Kay Arceneaux | 03.11.2022
I’m old. There’s no getting around it.
Friends often try to soften the blow by telling me I don’t look my age or my talents and gifts are still valued, but the body doesn’t lie. It makes us face a reality that perhaps our mind is not ready to receive.
A prayer attributed to Moses, Psalm 90:10, says “Seventy years are given to us! Some even live to eighty. But even the best years are filled with pain and trouble; soon they disappear and we fly away.”
I’m there my friends.
I have found, however, that a blessing of aging is that as my body puts limitations on what I can do outwardly, the Lord has given me a focused time of inward spiritual development. I find myself reflecting a lot lately…on the past, on the present, on the future. I think about sad things from the past…people who once served in ministry in church who are no longer there…the many times God has been misrepresented and people have been hurt. I think about my own personal failings and regret missed opportunity to bear witness to the goodness of God.
Then my thoughts turn to things I see God doing right around me today…the beauty of God’s creation that draws me in awe and reverence before Him…the people around me in church who were once bound in addiction to drugs and alcohol, who are now singing praises to God…I see miracles!
I see the faithfulness and goodness of God in my own family. Dirk and I will be celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this year. The only thing that has held us together has been our desire to be faithful to God, to do what He has told us to do. The most important thing I have learned in 69 years is to trust God.
This seems like such a simple idea but is it so full of meaning. I’ve learned to trust God whether my situation is good or bad. I have learned how important it is to know God’s character, His nature, to recognize that He is sovereign over all things, to believe that there are benefits flowing from difficulties (Romans 8:28).
Having this firmly established in my soul has helped me so many times to not be sidetracked along my spiritual journey and it is a journey that continues until we draw our last breath.
I have heard so many people saying so many things…see so much hurt and disfunction in the world. But I am firm in who I know God is and my purpose in life…to know Him and to help others to know Him. A life lesson that God has shown me is the uniqueness of the individual. I often told my Kinder students that if they looked the whole world over, they would never find another “you”.
You, my friend, are the only one of you that has ever been or ever will be.
How utterly valuable you are too God. Our journey with Jesus is unique.
God knows each of us intimately and He knows just what we need to be transformed into the masterpiece He made us to be. I love that we don’t journey alone but it eventually come down to me and my God.
I am so very thankful for Jesus who came and lived a sacrificial life to reveal to us who God is.
Jesus is the power and wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:24) and He continues to intercede with the Father on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25). This knowledge gives me so much comfort when I evaluate my life as I am prone to do these days. What a blessing old age is…past the busyness of family and occupation.
I’ve always wanted to do something “great” for God but I’ve come to the conclusion that the greatest thing I can do in life is to love and remain faithful to God until, as Paul said, I have finished the race.
I’m old. I yearn for a world where our righteous King reigns.
I’m old. I yearn for rest and for every tear and hurt and scar to be healed by my Jesus.
I’m old. I yearn to see my Father face-to-face and to fathom the mysteries of a holy God.
I’m old… and I’m ready for the next step because my confidence lies in Christ.