We do not take your generosity lightly or for granted! We greatly appreciate your willingness and obedience to financially partner with the LORD through His Storehouse.




  1. Mail your gift to 777 Delmar Street, Morgan City (Bayou Vista), LA 70380. Check can be made out to Kingdom Come Church.

  2. Put your gift into an envelope during in-person service and drop it into the secure boxes in the back.

  3. Click the link below to give through our secure online giving link.


For assistance call the church office at ‪(985) 212-8815‬ or email

What happens to my money when I give?

Every contribution goes to ministry -- and we're incredibly grateful for your contributions! We do not take it for granted -- in fact, we fearfully keep Numbers 18:32 in our hearts and mind: But be careful not to treat the holy gifts as though they were common. If you do, you will die. We as a local church operate solely on all of our giving (Acts 2:42-47). 

Practically speaking, your contributions fall into four specific ministry extensions.

  • The income provided to our pastors and staff to have the opportunity to minister in full or part time capacities. The main roles of the pastors and staff is to equip the believers for ministry and to help lead others in spiritual growth and maturity. (Ephesians 4:12-16)

  • The overflow of every element of ministry. From the Bible's given to those who recently gave their lives to the LORD to the soap in the bathroom. From the coffee in your hand to the equipment in the hands of our production team bringing service to many. From the youngest (kids) to the oldest (care ministry) -- again, it covers every element.

  • The ability for us to have a place where we gather (the building you're sitting in) as well as lead various ministries out of. We're grateful for the building and the opportunity to minister to God together in it. Remember we are the Church -- His dwelling place -- not the building. But, the Church needs a place to assemble together! (Hebrews 10:25)

  • We support over 50 local and world missionaries and missions organizations monthly with 10 percent of our giving -- a tithe of the tithe (Numbers 18:26). Alms giving also takes place here. (Matthew 6)

Who determines how and where money is spent?

Every year our church sets a budget amount for the upcoming year. This amount is typically 75-80% of the amount given in the year prior, to under project. These four ministry extensions (above) are weighted within percentages of the budget.

This budget is formulated by our Lead and Associate Pastors and then discussed and approved by our Board of Elders.

Throughout the year — funds that exceed the monthly budget are in a surplus. We are currently using the surplus for our building remodels.