In 2021, the LORD put in our hearts to repurpose our facilities to maximize what He’s given us for ministry to Him and others. We also believe He wants us to do this in regards to Luke 16:10. It’s important to take care of what God’s entrusted to us!
The following projects are below, in order, of priority. We will use financial surplus — monies given over our monthly budget — to pay for these projects (no debt .. ever again). We’ll also have a way for you to give to specific projects, if the LORD put that’s on your heart!
Current Project: Main Auditorium Tweaks
Start Date: January 2025
Projected Cost: $14,500.00
Funds Needed for this Project: $0
This project will cover exterior signage for our building featuring our new name, Kingdom Come, and logo. We’ll also be able to add some elements in the main building such as: a cross, sound panels, new TVs, and some beautification to some minor things (adding color and character).
Specific Projects:
This wasn’t anticipated originally, but with our new name comes an effort to add a few elements in our main meeting place (cross, sound panels, etc.).
We will also need new exterior signage for our facility.
Completely new lobby. The entrance to the Student Auditorium will be placed down the left hallway. A mini–Welcome Center in the Lobby with a team member (this could be you…) greeting people as they walk in during services — directing down the subsequent hallways.
As well as a lounge area, encompassed with areas to chat and eat.
Total cost: $25,000
Done: Fall 2024
Bringing our staff from off-sight to on. The old student center auditorium was be divided about 70/30. The “30” is now a space of a few offices for our staff. It also includes a meeting room.
Total cost: $25,000
Done: Summer 2024
A complete remodel of our student (teenagers and kids) auditorium. While the space is a bit smaller, it can still hold about 50 chairs and is remodeled from top to bottom for the student and kids gatherings.
This space is now called The Loft.
Total cost: $25,000
Done: December 2024
These two classrooms already exist but will be completely remodeled. These rooms will be resourced properly to accommodate age-appropriate classes on Wednesday and Sunday.
This room will have a visual look at revival history and books available on wide-ranging topics. You’ll be able to sign-out a book at any time or sit in the library and have a cup of coffee while reading. We envision this being accessible throughout the week.
A community library & study with it’s own name and identity.
We’re kicking it back a few decades. A staple to all churches in the 80s and 90s was a Fellowship Hall. We currently have various breaking bread times throughout the year. We’re giving a facelift to a workable kitchen and once the rooms are finished our meal opportunities together will increase.
Building a Matthew 6:6 place for our community to encounter the LORD.
Total cost: $25,000
Done: July 2023