When: THURSDAY, March 7 - SATURDAY, March 9

Location: 300 Bayou Clear Rd, Woodworth, Louisiana - 71485



Why attend?


In 2 Samuel, Chapter 11 the scripture reads like this:

“Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel, and they brought destruction on the sons of Ammon and besieged Rabbah. But David stayed in Jerusalem. “

I want you to let that sink in… “But David stayed in Jerusalem.”  Throughout scripture Springtime is used often when concerning the time for making war.  We see multiple times when Kings hunkered down for the winter preparing for Spring when they would march their armies to their chosen foe.   And while this was happening, David, one of the greatest kings ever known, with one of greatest compliments that God has ever given to a human being, sat at home in the castle, while sending his men to war.  He was a King and he was staying home.

So my question to you is simple and straightforward:  Do you know what season we are in?  When you look around, what do you see?  Is everything at peace?  Is it all going good out there?  Is the world getting better? 

Men, the season is Springtime!  It is time for the Kings of Louisiana to go to WAR!  You are the man God is calling!  Don’t look to the left or right, just look forward directly into the fight in front of you.  This year at the Men’s Advance, we are accepting God’s call to all Kings come forth!  The Scriptures declare that God has made us Kings and Priests.  It’s time for us to accept the call and take responsibility for this generation of souls.  Come and join us as we take the fight to the enemy and win back our faith, our families and our futures.  This year will be better than ever, however it won’t be the same without you!