When the New Testament church launched following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the Pentecost Festival many were added to the church as it expanded. In Acts 2, these believers devoted themselves together and devoted themselves to the prayers.

There is many forms and communication on-ramps to prayer. One that often gets forgotten or lost is praying scripture – or prayer liturgy. This form of prayer is what was mentioned in Acts 2 as the believers often prayed David’s Psalms throughout their prayer times.

In Romans, we’re reminded that faith comes from hearing. At the end of every Sunday Gathering, we as a faith family recite a prayer declaration. Each word from these declarations come directly from scripture!

Follow this flow of prayer from God as Creator to Jesus as sacrifice.

A liturgy of our life in Christ with communion prayers.

  • We thank you, Lord, for JOY that is “inexpressible and filled with glory.” Help us, Lord, to live lives filled with the joy of heaven. Let your joy be seen in our countenance, in our conversations, and let it transform the culture around us. Because Your Kingdom is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Would you fill us up and send us out with Heaven’s joy overflowing in us and through us.

  • WE JOIN IN WITH HEAVEN'S UNCEASING WORSHIP AND DECLARE: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty the whole earth is filled with your glory.” Help us Lord to live out this reality. Give us eyes to see your glory all around us. In the bustle of Monday morning and in the miracles and the mundane, let Jesus be revealed. Help us to be a people of your presence, captivated by you. Give us opportunities to bring your hope and make our corner of earth more like Heaven.

  • We remind ourselves that You are a good and generous Father, able to do abundantly more than we ask or even think. Help us to be generous, as You are generous. Giving our time, resources, help, and finances to those around us. As we have freely received, let us freely give. Fill us with Your wisdom as we steward what You have given us, living all of our lives as worship to the King of Kings.

  • We thank You, King Jesus, that You are risen and alive! No grave could stop Your plan of redemption. Help us Lord to see every situation the way You do with eyes of faith, hope, and radical love. Thank You that nothing is out of Your life-giving reach. For You are the way, the truth, and the life. Let Your Kingdom come and Your will be done.

  • We thank You, Lord, for all you're doing among us.

    Healing bodies, restoring hearts and lives, and revealing the Father to us. Help us Lord to not take this lightly.

    Remind us that everywhere we tread is Holy Ground, because you have made your home within us

    Give us the faith to walk as confident sons and daughters, speaking hope and life wherever we go.

  • We celebrate that in Your presence is fullness of joy! An overflowing and overwhelming fountain of delight.

    Teach us to drink deeply from the joy of the Father becoming contagious joy bringers wherever we go.

    Not bound by the cares and cages of this world, but walking in freedom, following You on this great adventure of faith.

    In Jesus name, Amen!

  • We thank you, Lord Jesus, that you are taking us deeper into Your Heart, Word and Spirit.

    We were made to discover the depths of who You are. Born for connection and communion with our Creator.

    As we join with 24/7 Prayer across the world would you remind us that we are Your dwelling place and help our “restless hearts find their rest in You”.

    In Jesus Name, Amen.

  • We thank You, Lord, that You are with us. The mighty one who has saved and restored us.

    We celebrate that You are not the distant God of religion, but a close and kind Father.

    Instead of condemnation, Your word says that You rejoice wildly over us

    Forgiving our sins and making us brand new. Send us out today as ambassadors of this Good News, until the whole world knows it!

    In Jesus Name, Amen!

  • We thank You, Lord, for leading us in your ways!

    Your kindness changes how we think about You, ourselves, and the world around us.

    Teach us to delight in Your voice so that we can be an unshakable people.

    Trees planted by Your river of living water, bearing glorious fruit in every season of our lives.

    In Jesus Name, Amen!