This morning I was reflecting on how amazing our Lord is. And how amazing our church is. This church body is craving intimacy with the Lord and giving and giving itself over in prayer and worship. I am amazed at how on Wednesday night, Pastor Matt had us do a sing-song with Psalm 136. Pastor Kayla was in youth Wednesday night. She had no idea we did that. On Thursday, she wanted to do a sing-song with Psalm 136 but couldn't figure out which Psalm it was that had the repeating verse, "Your faithful love endures forever." When she announced this, many of us: 1. Stood in awe of the harmony of the Lord and 2. Began to thank our Lord for that harmony in our church. Do you understand what we could do with that harmony? A house divided cannot stand, but what happens to an undivided house? Honestly, I do not even know for sure but certain words rise up in my spirit that bring a level of excitement: deliverance, revival, floods of saving grace upon believers and nonbelievers, etc. My brain cannot register it all. I assume also healing, miracles, signs, and wonders. And both selfishly and unselfishly, I want all of it Lord! I want to know the Lord like this!
"Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony."
Colossians 3:14
"How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!"
Psalms 133:1
"And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will."
Romans 8:27
On Tuesday, one of our members was praying for an aunt with a bleeding issue where the source could not be figured out. Another member got up and read the story of the lady who had an incurable bleed for many years who touched the trim of Jesus cloak. And Jesus knew this happened because power left Him and she was healed. And He proclaimed that her faith healed her. TWO other members of our congregation who were present also had a hunger to read this text and pray it over the aunt. On Thursday, we found out that the source of the bleed was found! Hallelujah! The Lord planted harmonious Scripture and harmonious desire to seek the same healing as the woman from the Gospel. When His church unifies, amazing miracles can and will occur. The Lord wants to move in magnificent ways, but he wants us to co-labor with Him. He wants to be glorified in His works. Our testimonies are that glorification.
Glory to the Lord!
Thank You for always showing up. Thank You for being faithful to Your children. You are Jehovah Rapha, the healer, the God of healing. Lord, you do things that science cannot do, and crazy created science. Why worship the created when we can worship the Creator! You know the limitations and boundaries of what we understand in the natural. But You are not only the God of the natural, You are the God of the supernatural! Lord, we invite You to move supernaturally among us. We will not be overwhelmed. We will stand in awe and reverence of Your Glory and Majesty. There is none like You. So many on the enemy's team are seeking these moves of the supernatural. They are hungry for these movements of the Spirit. They are deceived and don't even realize they are moving in counterfeit powers. Lord, pour out your supernatural powers to glorify Your Name and rescue Your children. Show how possible the impossible is when we call out to You. Everything is for You....for Your glorification, to exalt You, and build the faith of Your children. We thank You for very move in the natural and the supernatural. You are so powerful, so mighty, so immeasurable. May we not place limitations upon You. May we give You room to move freely in ways we may not comprehend. We love You, King Jesus. We believe in Your ability to heal and save Your children in ways we cannot even fathom sometimes. We are open to You and accept You in any way You present Yourself. Bless You Lord. We bless You.
In Jesus's Name, we pray.
Sara B.
"Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might, while he and all Israel were bringing up the ark of the Lord with shouts and the sound of trumpets. As the ark of the Lord was entering the City of David, Michal daughter of Saul [his wife] watched from a window. And when she saw King David leaping and dancing before the Lord, she despised him in her heart."
2 Samuel 6:14-16
"David said to Michal, “It was before the Lord, who chose me rather than your father or anyone from his house when he appointed me ruler over the Lord’s people Israel—I will celebrate before the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this, and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. But by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor.”
2 Samuel 6:21-22
NLT reads this way: "Yes, and I am willing to look even more foolish than this, even to be humiliated in my own eyes!....." 2 Samuel 6:22
And NKJV reads this way: "And I will be even more undignified than this, and will be humble in my own sight.......” II Samuel 6:22
What exactly is my point? Well, how do you worship the Lord? King David was beloved by his people. He couldn't hide from anyone. He was seen by all. And he said, I will look even more foolish, even more undignified. I don't care. I love the Lord, and I will worship him!
When I first started coming to CPC, boy did I care about how I looked worshiping. I didn't raise my hands. I was definitely not undignified! I was reserved before man so I was reserved before the Lord. But in my private prayer closet, I was undignified! I remember the first time I didn't care anymore about man in the church. I was undignified (my version of undignified.) And do you know what happened after? Not one person came to me and said, "why did you act like that?" or "why did you worship like that?" Now I worship as undignified as I feel lead to behave. I have been in the alter wailing on the floor and leaving my burdens there for the King to deal with just as He commands. I have been in my seat quietly soaking in His presence. I have clapped and screamed and rejoiced in Him. I do not hold myself back anymore. I do NOT care what you or any other human thinks of my worship! I care what HE thinks of my worship. And He wants all of me, unreserved. None held back!
I have seen Jesus in a vision tell me "I like this" after we shouted out to him in worship! He is searching for those hearts that will look undignified for Him. He is searching for those hearts that are willing to wail on the floor and just leave it with Him. He is searching for those hearts that are willing to follow His commands and possibly look foolish in the face of man.
**I want to note here also that being undignified does not mean you are pulling all the attention from God every service. All glory goes to God. We aren't worshiping to get noticed.**
We Thank You for the passionate love You have for us and allow us to have for You! Through Your blood, we break off the fear of man and the fear of rejection. Lord, tear down the strongholds that try to stop us from being undignified for You. Help us to raise our hands in worship! Help us to sing Your joyful praise without fear! Help us to leave our burdens with You! Help us to break free of all the rules religion has put on us! Lord, what do You want to see from Your children in worship? Put us into alignment with Your Spirit and Your Will. Help us to be like King David and be undignified and willing to look even more foolish before You! We love You so much!
In Jesus's name, we pray.
Sara B.