Entry 1 | 06.06.2022
While worshipping during the first Summer of Prayer Prayer Room, I heard the Lord say many times, "ALL FALL SHORT."
Many of us know the following passage from Romans, and what a reminder it holds:
"For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard."
Romans 3:23
This message was for a particular person. But how much do we all need this reminder sometimes? I am a sinner. I am unworthy. I am not righteous. I am not that good of a person. I am definitely not perfect.
How many times did the chosen people of Israel fall away from the Lord? It seems like every other page of the Old Testament states that the people fell away and worshipped other gods. And time and time again, God had to step in and bring these people back to Him.
Oh, how times have not changed at all!!
How many times are we deeply devoted to the Lord then boom we do something that we know isn't in alignment with the Lord? It could be temporarily uncontrolled anger. It could be viewing pornography once. It could be just one drink. Whatever the situation is, the Lord says "ALL FALL SHORT." Just don't stay there. Don't let the enemy convince you that this is the place you live now and the person that you truly are. Those are lies straight from the pits of hell. The Lord says you are the beloved. Repent and turn back to the Lord. He will welcome you with open arms. He can take that addiction away. He can repair that broken heart. But YOU have to come to Him. And YOU have to repent...confess your sin and turn your actions away from that sin. The Lord's grace and mercy are not a free pass to live in your sin. They are, however, a free pass to return to the Lord and correct yourself.
Thank You Lord for your life-saving grace and mercy. Thank You for your mighty hand and Your outstretched arm that save us in the midst of storms. Thank You for never forsaking [abandoning] us. We love You. Though we cannot repay You for Your generosity, we can and will worship You because You are The Worthy One!
In Jesus's name, we pray.
Sara B.
Entry 2 | 06.09.2022
We were singing,
"Here I am to worship, Here I am to bow down, Here I am to say that You're my God."
Then I heard the Lord say in response to our worship, "And Here I am." He said "I hear every cry. I hear every praise." "I hear all; I see all." Then I saw Him walking in the altar in front of the stage on the left side of church. He said, "Why aren't you [plural you not singular] in the altar?" "Lay down your burdens. I will take them. Why do you hold onto them when I will take them from you?" A moment later he said, "Get vulnerable and intimate with me. I want to break off the fear of man and the fear of rejection over you."Comments:Pastor Matt said many of these things into the microphone during this prayer room. What beautiful confirmations!! When P Matt said, "The Lord is near." I chuckled knowing that He just showed Himself standing in the altar. And I wondered, "Did Pastor Matt see Him also?" Pastor Matt even said, He hears everything or maybe even he hears every cry. It was either the same or very similar to what I heard from the Lord. None of these messages were for a singular person. It felt as though these were meant for the people that were in the room. It was an invitation to draw nearer to lay aside the burden of fear. We are in the room; we might as well make the most of it! These people who will occupy the prayer rooms this summer are not the people to fear. We are not the ones who will mock or make fun of the different. We are open-hearted. We are willing to experience the Lord in any shape or form or fashion He is willing to show up in. Most of us are so caught up in our worship of Him that we don't even know what anyone else is doing. When we break off the fear and lay it aside, it will give the Lord the freedom to move in extraordinary ways in our minds, our hearts, and our atmosphere.
**The Lord has brought up the altar to me many times. I personally don't know or understand the significance of the altar. **Lastly, there was one message that was about a specific person. When P Matt was praying toward the end, I heard the Lord say specifically about him, "This is my good servant." And just as a reminder that servanthood is a good place to be:
"The greatest among you must be a servant. But those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."
Matthew 23:11-12
"But Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers in this world Lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:25-28
Sara B.