Even hard words – no, especially hard words – are what we need to hear. In this series, we’ll allow Jesus’ words to challenge our hearts as we accept them by faith and be transformed from followers to disciples.
Date: 8/1/2021
Spirit & Life: Part 1 - Eat my flesh and drink my blood
Speaker: Pastor Matt Marcantonio
Date: 8/8/2021
Spirit & Life: Part 2 - Count the cost
Speaker: Pastor Kayla Marcantonio
Date: 8/15/2021
Spirit & Life: Part 3 - Cut off your hand/gauge out your eye
Speaker: Pastor Matt Marcantonio
Date: 8/22/2021
Spirit & Life: Part 4 - Pick up your cross
Speaker: Pastor Kayla Marcantonio
Date: 8/29/2021
Build His Church: Prayer for Hurricane Ida
Speaker: Pastors Matt & Kayla Marcantonio