A post from your pastors | 12.21.2021
This past Sunday truthfully started out feeling very... ordinary.
Normally prior to service, the Lord will reveal to us even a smidgen of what's going to happen. He'll say something to us about what to look for or anticipate. We didn't receive that at all for this Sunday, but we went on remembering what the Bible details over and over - the supernatural can happen on any ordinary day.
We worshiped. We prayed. We lifted our hands. We read Scripture and heard the message. Then, it came time to offer a response to anyone who the Lord was calling to be His.
"Is the Lord calling you to Himself today? If so, could you meet me up here and we can pray for you?" I (Kayla) said, or something similar.
No response.
I offered again, and we waited. Not one foot stepped out.
I knew the Lord was saying there was at least one who He was calling to be His in that moment, but I also know how people are. I've talked to many who knew they wanted to move but felt paralyzed. I've talked to several who desperately wanted to move out into the aisle but felt ashamed or unsure of people's possible judging eyes. So, I announced that we would continue to offer that moment each Sunday, hoping they would have the courage next time.
Suddenly, one of our leaders (Joe Pasqua), came up to me. With tears and a clearly heavy heart, he muttered the words, "Ask one more time. There is one. He is saying there is one."
So we did. A third and final time we asked, and with full faith Joe stood unmoved, waiting in the altar space, looking for the one God spoke to Him about.
Disappointed at no one's motion - but hoping they would maybe come after the end - I turned the service over to Matt. He started to close everything out.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the lobby doors swung wide and a young man came walking down the aisle to the front, with one of our leaders (Millie Angeron) next to him.
Was this guy provoked by the message? Did his heart burn within him during worship or during the preaching? Did he finally have the courage to walk up?
Actually, it was none of the above. During the response time, Millie was walking to the Student Center to help with gifts, and this young man came up in the parking lot.
"Is this a church? I need help."
"We can help. Do you know the Lord?" Millie replied.
"I used to know Him, but it's been a long time."
"If you want to know Him again, follow me."
I wish you could have seen the worship, praise, and awe that came upon us when this man the Father loves came walking up. (You actually can on YouTube, but that's beside the point). The Lord was calling him, without preaching and worship. He was calling him long before He entered a church building. He was calling this guy because He loves him and knew that day was the day for salvation.
Our minds could chalk this up to coincidence, but our souls would know otherwise. If I had preached 10 minutes longer or shorter, this moment would have been missed. If Joe wouldn't have urged a third time, the moment would have been missed. If Millie had not been outside at just the right time, this moment would have been missed. A little longer or shorter worship, longer or shorter prayer time, and so on - and we would have all been ships passing in the night.
But God. 🙌
The supernatural happened on an ordinary day.
We love so many things about this story of God's great design. We love that it didn't rely on one person but the body of Christ in action, hands and feet just being obedient. We love that it displays God's sovereignty and majesty.
But most of all, we love that this moment is not limited to Sundays. The Lord's grace, mercy, love, and power is available TO YOU today in all areas of your life. He does not have favorites or show favoritism. (Romans 2:11)
You can hear His voice and be unwavered in what you hear, like Joe.
Emboldened by His Spirit, you can ask needed questions, like Millie.
You can receive the help and salvation you need from Him, like the young man.
Don't be distracted by the busyness of the season today. He is alive, real, and active. Draw closer to Him today in all things. He is calling.