CPC COVID-19 Press Release Statement


We are taking the severity and societal concerns of COVID-19 seriously. Our leadership team has met and agreed that our best plan of action is to suspend all regular church gatherings – Sunday, Wednesday, Small Groups, and all events (including our Community Easter Egg Hunt) indefinitely. We will also no longer have our team in the office during the week. We will continue along this path until our national and state leaders determine it is safe to gather again. For now, we will continue to stream our Sunday worship experience at 10:00 AM on our Facebook page. Then we’ll upload the video to our YouTube channel for easy access through our website or app.


Regardless of your personal feelings about the approach our leaders have taken to COVID-19, it is still wise to take all precautions prescribed by the CDC in Atlanta. These are applicable in most cases of sickness, but especially prevalent now.


1.     If you or anyone in your family is sick – even a little bit – stay home. 

2.     Wash your hands frequently and utilize antibacterial sanitizer.

3.     Avoid any gatherings in any groups if possible

4.     Regularly check on those you know at high risk 


One of the keys to stopping this virus is to observe the proposed “social distancing” that all our leaders are promoting. We know this is contrary to what we believe and teach, but we believe it is absolutely necessary for this time. We recommend that you stay home as much as possible.  We will continue to update you regularly through text, social media, and email.  


If there is something you need, please contact Jamie Gaspar (jamie@crossingplacechurch.com).  We love you all and we are praying this virus dissipates quickly. Let’s continue to be the Church by loving and serving well!