Why We Pray by Kayla Marcantonio

CPC: Why We Pray


“If God is omniscient – if He is all-knowing – then why do we pray?”


I’m certain I’m not the only one that has had this question cross my mind. Many times the enemy, or our own thoughts, can creep in during or after prayer to make us question the why behind talking with God. For some, it’s easy to slip into solely the function of prayer as a believer, so much that the wonder of it is forgotten. Maybe the more common prayer becomes to us, the easier it is for its importance to fade. For others though, the why isn’t known so we don’t engage. Maybe it’s unknown and intimidating to us, which leaves us stranded on how to start.


We are encouraged in the Bible to talk to God for many reasons. James 5:13 says we should pray if we’re walking through hardships or strained times. Philippians 4:6-7 says if we are worried and need peace, we should pray. We’re taught to pray for those in authority and our nation (1 Timothy 2:2 & 2 Chronicles 7:14).  Paul’s strong example to us in Romans 10:1 is to pray for those who don’t know the Lord that they might be saved!


Prayer isn’t only about giving requests though. Check out almost all of the Psalms. You’ll see that prayer is how we tell God “Thank You!” It’s how we express how we feel about Him. Through it, nothing is limited. In prayer, we can cry, vent, praise, worship, and learn. 


But, the question still remains – why do we pray?


Our God is a BIG God. I can’t begin to completely understand all of His ways and the way prayer completely works. None of us know wholly why prayer comes before miracles and why other times it feels like we are talking to the wall (He still hears us; it’s just how we feel). Until heaven, I’m sure we won’t comprehend how prayer offered in faith can heal the sick and raise the dead. It’s not for us to understand though. We simply bear the responsibility and carry the opportunity to do so – to take time to pause and talk with Him.


I want you to imagine with me for a second that our life is like an adventure or journey through tough terrain. I’m not sure what your terrain looks like – mountains, desert, rainforest, swamp (let your imagination flourish) – but for any journey like the one you’re imagining you would need to prepare, pack, and carry around tools necessary to complete the journey in the midst of such trying landscape. Prayer is more than a tool for us, but follow me for just a second. 


On a journey with just one, small backpack, you would have to be intentional about what you pack. This means every item would have a why behind. Nothing or without reason would be included. Similarly, in talking to God we carry around every good thing He gives us through it – and in them we find the whys. This isn’t a comprehensive list, but let’s look a few.


To Get Direction


In any expert adventurer’s backpack, I imagine they would carry a compass or a map. I say “I imagine” because my preference is Google Maps, but I’m also no expert. An explorer wouldn’t go down a path without following the map, just like a good soldier wouldn’t act unless given orders.


In this life, we are constantly at crossroads both big and small. Through prayer, God gives us the next right or left to take – or when we need to stop for the night and rest – simply by asking Him. His responses always press into our hearts and spirits. We normally know it’s Him because it’s not a thought we would have had on our own, and His responses always line up with Scripture. 


“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” (James 1:5)


“Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:6)


To Be Refreshed


Matt and I recently took on hiking, and we are still self-proclaimed novices. Still, I sometimes find myself dreaming and looking up big excursions for the future. One day online I stumbled upon a hidden spring you can hike to in Sedona, Arizona, where the climate is extremely hot and dry. The recommended amount of water to pack for the nine-hour hike is at least two gallons of water per person. That’s the minimum suggestion!


It would be ludicrous to attempt that hike without packing any water, but many of us do the same thing in our daily lives. More than the nine hour hike, we go days, weeks, and sometimes even months thinking we don’t need to be refreshed. 


Jesus said He is the Living Water. When we are tired, exhausted and fatigued from this life, we can sit in God’s presence and be refreshed, like drinking fresh water in the heat of the day. We will come out of time talking to Him stronger than how we went in. Whether it’s through asking for forgiveness or just in worship, His promise is to refresh us when we seek Him and just talk with Him.


“Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Then times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord…” (Acts 3:19)


“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with sings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.” (Isiah 40:31, NKJV)


 To Surrender


Any adventurer who knows they’ll be trekking multiple days will pack shelter. If it’s not a tent, then it will be a hammock instead. I’ve never been so bold, but I know people who sleep this way outdoors quite often. They don’t usually worry about bugs, bears, or rain. They are at peace to surrender to whatever happens while they are out there.


Talking about this surrendering part makes me think about Indiana Jones in quicksand. (And how funny is it that as kids we thought quicksand would be a bigger problem in life?!). If the movies show us anything it’s that when you get in quicksand, fighting it makes things worse. You start sinking more quickly. But, if you surrender to the pull of it all and slowly take steps forward, you will make it out alive.


Many times it is God’s will for us to take a step forward or to walk through a season that we are fighting tooth and nail. Like that quicksand, we are adamant to fight our way out of it, which only makes things worse. Jesus modeled in prayer – both in the Lord’s prayer and in the Garden of Gethsemane – that our time spent talking with God is to help line ourselves up with his plans instead of fighting against them.


“May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10)


“Father, if you are willing, please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet, I want your will to be done, not mine.” (Luke 22:42)


To Communicate


Today on a long journey we would simply pack our iPhones or Androids devices, but back in the gap the go to was a Walkie-Talkie. I still think they are fun to use just for the feel of it all. What makes two-way radios helpful for our conversation about prayer is the range between the two. We have to use phones from city to city because a radio would be out of range; if you want to use them to communicate, you have to stay close to the other person who has the second of the pair.


Prayer keeps us close to God. It’s just that simple. When we talk to Him, it keeps us from wandering too far off from where He wants us. 


Through prayer, He affirms His love for us by His Spirit. He lets us in on His secrets. He affirms what we are His. All of this, and more, is accessible just by talking to Him.


This is why we have 21 Days of Prayer every fall – to put talking to Him into practice. We put Him first so He will stay first because the foundation is there. From that point of seeking Him, we will see direction, refreshment and surrender come more quickly or easily. He’s the reason why we pray!


Get ready for 21 Days of Prayer starting August 2 through August 22. Prayer kits can be picked up at the following times at CPC (through contactless pickup):


·      Sunday, August 2, Noon - 2 PM

·      Monday, August 3, Noon – 2 PM

·      Monday, August 3, 4 PM – 6 PM


Or, you can request a digital download of all the files by emailing jamie@crossingplacechurch.com.


Haven’t signed up to participate in 21 Days of Prayer? Text “21DAYS” to 337.243.6005 to receive further instructions, daily prayer videos, and weekly prayer walk challenges!